Guided Meditation
with Lizzy Weiss
from 9:00 - 10:00 am
Join Chopra Certified Instructor, Lizzy Weiss for a guided meditation and discussion session.
Please email to register. Zoom link provided upon registration. This class is donation based.
Dr. Anna Halbeisen Presents
Group Fitness Classes
from 11:00 - 11:30 am
Build strength, agility, and balance to prevent injury.
Billed to Medicare -No cost for patients.
Email or text 734-972-5533 for more information.
Memory Alive!
with Lisa Randall, M.S.
THURSDAYS at 1:30 pm
Join Lisa Randall, Memory Educator, for a free weekly interactive class. The hour-long sessions will discuss the fundamentals of building a memorable lifestyle. They will include both memory strengthening exercises along with lifestyle-based strategies for your best memory. Anyone at any age can take steps towards their best memory! All are invited to attend. Donations are not required to participate in this class, however they are gratefully accepted from those who would like to contribute. Click here to make a contribution of any amount.
To join LIVE sessions on Zoom email
Art with Jan O'Hara
Free Classes on YouTube
Jan taught in-person art classes at the Senior Center from 2021- 2023. During Covid she created these short (20-55 minute) lessons suitable for all ages and beginners.
Click the links below to try colored pencil drawing,
watercolors, and more!
Dolphin Graphite or Oil Pastel